Almond Coconut Crunch, 12 kpl


Myyntierä sisältää 12 patukkaa.

Ainesosa- ja ravintotiedot löytyvät tuotekuvista.

Säilyvyys: tuotteiden parasta ennen -säilyvyys on noin 45 päivää valmistushetkestä, parasta ennen -päiväys on merkitty tuotteisiin. Säilyttämällä tuotetta jääkaapissa tai pakastimessa säilyvyys pitenee huomattavasti (jääkaapissa jopa 2-3 kuukautta, pakastimessa jopa 6 kuukautta).

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The days of people saying that “all fat is bad for you” are over. Today we have scientific proof of what many of us already know intuitively:

That real, natural, raw fats are one of the healthiest things you can eat.

And that’s exactly what you get with our Almond Coconut Crunch bars. These delicious real food bars contain two of the best sources of healthy fat on the plant: almond and coconut.

Almonds contain a type of fat called monounsaturated fat, which is the same heart-healthy kind of fat found in olive oil. According to the American Heart Association, this type of fat can help reduce bad cholesterol levels and lower your risk of heart disease!

(They’re also a great source of vitamin E, an important antioxidant that many Americans need more of.)

Coconut is high in saturated fat, but it’s not your average saturated fat like the kind found in cheese or steak. Coconut is rich in a rare type of fat called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are an extremely healthy source of fat.

See, unlike other fats (which can be easily stored as body fat), MCTs are more likely to be used as an energy source—helping you to experience greater energy, without the unwanted weight gain!

And with 20 grams of all-natural, high-quality protein from gut-healthy whey, these bars will also help fuel your body for greater performance, muscle gain, and overall health.

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