Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond, 12 kpl


Myyntierä sisältää 12 patukkaa.

Ainesosa- ja ravintotiedot löytyvät tuotekuvista.

Säilyvyys: tuotteiden parasta ennen -säilyvyys on noin 45 päivää valmistushetkestä, parasta ennen -päiväys on merkitty tuotteisiin. Säilyttämällä tuotetta jääkaapissa tai pakastimessa säilyvyys pitenee huomattavasti (jääkaapissa jopa 2-3 kuukautta, pakastimessa jopa 6 kuukautta).

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Do you love the taste of chocolate…but feel guilty anytime you indulge in a decadent chocolate treat?

Then you’ll love our Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Raw Vegan Protein Bars!

They’re so good that many people are starting to call Papa Steve’s NO JUNK Raw Protein Bars “The best protein bars on the planet.”

As always, these bars contain NO chemicals, fillers, cheap soy protein, refined sugar, sugar alcohols, GMO ingredients, or gluten.

Instead, they’re filled with real food—most of it locally sourced and organic.

Cacao is a superfood that’s enjoying a comeback these days. It’s one of nature’s richest sources of anti-oxidants with an ORAC score of 95,500 per 100g. Our Cacao is the only verified raw cacao in the world.

Dark chocolate AKA Cacao is a highly nutritious source of healthy fats, plus a variety of minerals (including magnesium, copper, and iron) and antioxidants (like polyphenols and flavanols). Polyphenols may help slow down carbs being absorbed in the small intestine.

Combined with other natural & healthy ingredients like raw pumpkin seeds, organic dates, chia seeds, hemp seeds and pea protein, and you can see why this is one snack you can feel good about indulging in.

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